Last Wednesday, April 16, 2008, The Sims had made a major milestone. A milestone that celebrates a million thanks, 100 times! The Sims franchise celebrates their 100th million sold copies around the world in 22 languages and 60 countries around the world! How did they get so far? Well, it all started 8 years ago which is February 4, 2000. The creator, Will Wrights was developed a game that simulated life that can control of their wants, their needs and their baths. This is were The Sims game started, it start of from scratch until March 2002, it reached 50 million sold copies making it as the best-selling PC game in all time.
While The Sims is ahead of other popular franchises such as the Grand Theft Auto and Halo games, it trails well behind Nintendo's Mario franchise when other gaming platforms, such as consoles and handheld players, are considered. CBS News
EA said the Sims influence has been felt beyond the game itself, with an online community of players that has more than 4.3 million unique visitors per month, and more than 100,000 movies made using the game on YouTube.
Rod Humble, the executive producer has send a letter to all the fans of The Sims franchise and it can be found in the official site.
Celebrate 100 million sold copied of The Sims with the slogan "100 million stories, what's yours?".
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