The Creative Blog


For how many months that I haven’t blog. This time I will make my blog as my habit. I never knew blogging could be more fun that before.

That is why I update my blog to Creative because this blog deals with the creativity of the people around me what’s to share their talents trough out the world.

And also I updated my blog template because I want it to have simple when I blog and people can easily to read it without hurting their eyes. If you see the above logo, that is the official logo of DictioDiary made it myself.

DictioDiary is not about creativity of myself but also a blog that shares the creativity of the people. DictioDiary was a former requirement  for our major subject to share our creativity to the world. I am continuing blogging of my thoughts, my experience and my discoveries even its not anymore a requirement.

Now I have 2 blogs. One is this, DictioDiary: The Creative Blog and the other is PersoBlog, a personal blog which is under construction by now.

Hope you will have a good time reading here!