Why am I blogging?

For the whole year in my life, I knew blogging was so awe-inspiring. Before when I was in High School, I strongly thought that blogging was a business site or a chat site since the word " Blog" I knew was talking like "bla bla bla" or something like that. Until I reach college when my teacher (You know who you are, so I don't want to mention your name.) taught us what is blogging all about. Furthermore, at that point. I understand the word "Blog" is. At that time, I used to blog recently, but I got tired and shown not interest it. Therefore, I discontinued blogging. That's weird, in my term.

I discontinued blogging for about 4 months until my teacher suggested that I will make my blog as a habit, since I got bad taste of my grammar. Consequently, I took his suggestion and starting to blog again. I got a bit interested on blogging like showing of my personal life, telling stories, etc. until I got more interested on blogging.

Now, I produced 20 posted blogs in this site and there are also 8 posted in my other blog site. The reason why am I blogging is because of showing my interesting happenings in my life. That's the answer.