Ok, this time I'm going to post a serious issue or not very serious issue. People today are fun in shortcuts. Admit it, we are fun doing shortcuts like going to find the shortest way to downtown, shortcut words like "brb"(Be right back) in our text message, in chats, I don't know in forums but I think I saw shortcut messages their. Yeah, the reason why I'm telling you this, is because some of us can't wrote and spoke it well, I'm not saying that I'm just telling this because he is correct the problem. No, I'm saying this is because of what I have experience and I admit it that I'm not a good speaker and writer but it does not mean that I bad at all. No, we can correct our mistakes. But the problem is, we are funning of doing shortcuts that is why we can't spoke and wrote it well.
Take for example, in text message saying "Ur here", that's ok when you are saving the 160 character for you to wrote. But base of my experience, somebody wrote a formal letter in 2nd paragraph saying "Da program of d' administrator is not...". I don't understand, why people wrote this shortcut message? Is it our new process of writing a formal letter? No is not. And you know what is the problem is? It's because, people are on a rush. That's the answer, admit it we are on a rush all the time. People can't wrote it well it's because they are doing on a last second. Why people at these days do their work on a last second? Because, PEOPLE ARE FUN IN SHORTCUTS. They haven't any time to check if they are correct, if they forgot something and etc.
I have this thing yesterday, somebody wrote "Your not him". instead of "You're", he wrote "Your". Ok back to English grammar, Your is a 2nd person while You're is a shortcut of "You are". So if we undo the shortcut, the sentence should be like this "You are not him" not "Your not him". It's so different.
Anyway, this is just a tip for those who are having problems with the sentence structure. It's not the end to quit speak to other people or write a letter. You can correct it and I know you can do it.
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